Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas, family, and the CROSS

December 24, 2010

Since my parents are not with us, they are both in abroad, I believe their Christmas is as cold as snow. But we get HOT because of the holy spirit of the Lord sent in our lives. As we all accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we believe that God will never keep us far away from each other. This Christmas is pretty amazing, although we're not literally complete, we can still laugh and smile. Before the midnight, my siblings and I prayed first in front of the few foods like: maalat na adobo (HAHA) and ham with cheese cooked by my sister and some fruits. I still appreciate God because even with little food, my siblings and I can still remember God's faithfulness in our lives. We didn't forget praying for all He did on the CROSS, the reason of this celebration. My siblings and I although fights and arguments are usual conflicts we are still united with His faithfulness and enduring LOVE. He is amazing because He provides a way in a tiniest and shortest impossible ways. I thought that I am going to celebrate this Christmas with no food (well, usually my family spends Christmas with bunch of delicious foods) But since our refrigerator is not empty we did a  simple cook. But regardless the food, what made me happy is that, being with my siblings makes me say: Lord thank You for bringing them here with me even they are headaches... still they make me laugh out LOUD! I recieved gifts too from my friends and family, and I also gave them back. It's one of my response to God's blessings to me... to give is better than receiving! <3

For the past few weeks, the Sunday series were all about the Kings of the Christmas: King Herod, Magi and JESUS...

King Herod topic is all about himself only so I'm not going to share it.. According to Matthew 2 the Magi asked King Herod the king of the Jews, when actually King Herod was appointed as the king of Jews and the reason of his disturbed facial expressions. Well  I can imagine that king herod is really annoyed by these Magi. I mean imagine the bravery of these men asking the king of the Jews. Another noble act of the Magi was to worship the REAL King of Jews (Born to be the King of the Jews) - Jesus! They were overjoyed when they finally got in bethlehem. I could imagine the success of the travel of the Magi, a relief from excitement and the smile, joy and honor to see the Child! While the parents (Mary and Joseph) smiles at angelic face of their baby knowing that this Kid has a big responsibility in their city, no in the world. And so the prophecy were fulfilled, Jesus was born and grew up.. The Magi worshiped baby Jesus and gave Him gifts: gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. My pastor told us that golds were only given to the kings at their time. So baby Jesus were treated as King even not yet announce by the nation. The Magi's obedience were pretty eye-catchy though. Wise men who are willing to follow the Star and give gifts to a stranger baby. Now that's some WISE with wisdom! 

Now let's move on, JESUS was born, the ANOINTED ONE, BORN to be KING! God the Father is so sweet, to bring His Only Son on earth, a HUGE sacrifice and I believe Jesus didn't refuse that command. Father: " Son, I am going to send you through the Holy Spirit in a womb of an equipped and reliable woman who is also David's descendants" Jesus: " ha? No way!!!" Okay hold on, that's too far from that! I can imagine Jesus response to the God the Father, Jesus: "Yes, send me..." Not a hint of irony or doubts or pretentious... It's just like Isaiah said: Here I am, send me... And Jesus grew up in wisdom and human stature. God is so sweet.. Thank You God for sending Jesus here on earth even He suffered. 

He is the REAL reason of this CELEBRATION. It's all about JESUS.. and not about US!

Matthew 2

The Magi Visit the Messiah
 1 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi[a]from the east came to Jerusalem 2 and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” 3 When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. 4 When he had called together all the people’s chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Messiah was to be born. 5 “In Bethlehem in Judea,” they replied, “for this is what the prophet has written:
 6 “‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,
   are by no means least among the rulers of Judah;
for out of you will come a ruler
   who will shepherd my people Israel.’[b]
 7 Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. 8 He sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him.”
 9 After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. 10When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. 11 On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. 12And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route

waiting upon You Lord

I came from a Christian family, but it doesn't mean you are already save. You still have to say and confess that Jesus is your Lord and Savior and obey all His commands. Was it easy? NO! Never easy, never difficult too. It's not easy to be a child of God, where every eyes are on you, has lot of HIGHER expectations, and not difficult because Jesus will always carry you from all the hardships.

persecutions, criticisms, and troubles are always on your sides. But Jesus is always on superior, inferior, lateral, medial, ventral, dorsal, superficial, or in short always by your side.

I know Jesus is in me, but there's still a cry in my heart, where I still neglect to obey and follow Him. Lack of determination and discipline is really a struggle. Although inspiring testimonies and encouragements from my spiritual family has given me strength to really focus on God, a deeper personal relationship with Christ is what I really want. I want Him more in my life and I long for Him, or maybe this is just a CONFUCIUS striking me at the wrong time... But I believe I am strong because I have His word...

Maybe I am just really confuse because I've been asking God's specific calling for me. I don't know. I am still asking God's guidance and a whisper of His audible sweet loving voice.

I am waiting upon You, Lord... 

“Wait for the LORD, be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.”
Psalm 27:14

Just want to say one more to the Lord: .Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?" And I said, "Here I am, Lord. Send me."Isaiah 6:8

 I am willing Lord, send me..

Monday, December 20, 2010

Your Love is everything


T|  Your Love is Everything
A|  Chris Quilala, Jesus Culture
B|  Capo 3
A|  Intro: Em, C2, G
B|  Verse 1:
E|  Em                      G/B
R|  When i'm dry and thristy Lord,
.|  C2                    G
C|  And i'm cryin out for more. 
O|  Em           G/B           C2     G
M|  I know I can trust in your love.
-|  Em                    G/B
T|  In the darkness in the night,
A|  C2                       G
B|  When i'm starvin for the light.
N|  Em           G/B           C2     G
A|  I know I can trust in your love.
E|  Bridge: 
R|  Am          G/B         C2
.|  You keep no record of my sin. 
C|  Am            G/B            D
O|  You dont remember all of my shame.
T|  Chorus:
A|  C2
B|  Your love, heals every disease.
N|  G/B
A|  Your love, fullfuls my every need.
B|  Em
B|  Your love, is everything to me.
E|  D
R|  Your love, is everything.
O|  Coda:
M|  C2                                    D
-|  I will not forget, I wont forget your promises.
T|  Em                                    D/F#
A|  I will not forget, I wont forget your love.    (x4)
N|  C2                            D
A|  I will not forget, nothing impossible.
B|  Em                               D/F#
B|  I will not forget, I wont forget your love.    (x4)
C|      Em      C2       G      G/B     Am       D     D/F#
O|  e|---0---|---0---|---0---|---0---|---0---|---2---|---2---|
M|  b|---2---|---2---|---2---|---3---|---1---|---3---|---3---|
-|  g|---0---|---0---|---0---|---0---|---2---|---2---|---2---|
T|  d|---2---|---2---|---0---|---0---|---2---|---0---|---0---|
A|  a|---2---|---3---|---2---|---2---|---0---|---x---|---x---|
B|  e|---0---|---x---|---3---|---x---|---x---|---x---|---2---|

This I've been doing for 2-3hours, I am an ALABANG GIRL... <3 we serve a BIG GOD... who loves God..  praises and worships ONE MIGHTY God! <3 My spiritual family is one of my encouragements in walking with Christ... like relationships, there are misunderstanding, misconceptions, and rebels.I also have cold moments with God but they open my eyes to see HOW God's doing great in my life and its normal to see that in some ways challenges are very difficult and we get mad at Him.. however, the ending part is always successfully inspiring because there's always a lesson to learn... Thank you girls! <3 You are amazing just the way you are... <3


Only when we fall in love with Jesus Christ and build our lives completely around Him can we experience human love and romance in its PUREST and most BEAUTIFUL form. –Authentic Beauty, Lesli Ludy

December 20, 2010
Since I first read the Authentic Beauty by Leslie Ludy from Regina Mabalatan, I appreciated every words and experiences shared by the author. It was then I started contemplating the importance of the body, mind, and soul. The statement given above was the words tugged and served as clarification. It gave me assurance that as I build my life around Jesus I will be able to direct my path in PUREST and MOST beautiful FORM. It didn’t say beautiful only, there is the word MOST which challenged me to SEEK and LONG for God more. He is really amazing, from all the relationship experiences I had encountered, it served as a lesson and will/should never be done again.

I have many friends who are currently in a relationship, they are enjoying, yes, but are they walking righteously with God? Are their plans according to His plan? Will it make them strong if they will only FOLLOW their WILL? I’ve seen broken family, broken relationship, broken hearted, broken personalities in my life but I don’t lose hope for their happy endings although I feel sad for them, because out of the poverty and desire to have wonderful unbroken lives, they can actually achieve the JOYFUL unmovable-despite-of-the-circumstances life. We make our OWN problems; we look at them and become pessimistic in life. We always worry, panic, give up and surrender whenever we encounter problems. A friend once told us, “Like, Venus Raj said during her pageant question and answer portion, I have never had anything MAJOR, MAJOR problem in my life...” There could be minors but there are no majors if we know how to handle a situation.

As Jesus grew up strong, filled with wisdom and just like human (Luke 2:40) He also experienced persecution from different people and different personalities but one thing He never did in His life- SIN. He is holy and we are not. He is just and we are not. He is righteous and we are not. He may experience all the mocks and insults around the world, but it will not cease Him from doing what Father pleases. If I were Jesus, the crucifixion is a MAJOR MAJOR problem, I mean I never deserve that, I am innocent and should never be punished! But since Jesus believed that He has a purpose why He visited us on earth He did what the Father has commanded Him to do. And it was successful, He felt the pain and He suffered because He is a man, and He became sinner for US to have that gift of ETERNAL LIFE and not to dwell in the house where gnashing of teeth and heat of the flame. God is so good that He gave His ONLY Son for us! No one can do that, I mean, no one likes to sacrifice their own baby for the sake of many, or atleast it is already intolerable to see a child suffer from an illness right? Unless you are so cruel there is a possibility. But in reality no one can ever do what God has done for His Son. We are so blessed that through Jesus Christ we were able to forgive and experience the love from our support systems.

The statement above of course has relevance to what I said earlier, as Jesus built His life to the God the Father, He was able to gain also the love from his earthly father and mother. I feel so excited for God’s plan in my life, especially in the future, I believe that there is someone BEST in store for me. I believe God has given me someone who will treat me as his queen and him as my king. I believe that in my age, He is preparing me for something GREATER than I could ever imagine!
The book has really helped me look at guys as just ordinary girlfriends of mine and nothing else, although the more I set apart myself for the Lord the more desire for Christian guys, but again God redirect my focus for His glory. I love Him and He loves me. What can I say more? Leslie also shared that “Being set apart for your future husband means loving him and honouring him, even BEFORE you meet him, by the way you live your life on a day-to-day basis.” It is clear that this is a TRAINING GROUND for the future. It’s never easy, but I believe as I continually apply and fall in love with Him every day there is nothing impossible and nothing is difficult in Christ Jesus.

Also in doing the preparation, Leslie shared that in writing love letter for your future husband is a great help so that one day when both of you are about to confess what you have to confess, it will be easy ,if both of you are living in Christ. Well, the romance in the television and magazines were nothing like God’s love story for us. He is able and competent in writing our most anticipated incomparable beautiful LOVE story.
December 18, 2010 it was our Christmas party with my Perpetualites friends in my house when we finished praying for the food, I don’t remember how the topic started but it was all about the future, and so I divulged “I am confident that I will have a good husband..” and they came to some conclusions too “you don’t know, a couple get to know each other when you are married...” Then I stopped revealing some stuffs I know about my lovingly Prince and I. They would never listen anyway. We are intelligent not just for our academic, we use our hemispheres in our brain also in every decision that we have to make, alangan namang mamili ka ng hindi ka ginagalang or lagi kang minumura dba? You’ve heard lots of information when it comes to relationships and sometimes it comes out always sad or happy stories. But my point is as long as you have Christ in your life, and you know that you are not walking through some kind of emotions or feelings only, God will give us what’s and who’s best for us.

Build your life completely to Christ and then you will experience the human love in its PUREST and MOST beautiful form! Yes! PUREST because, despite of all the TAINTED past, we will learn to forgive the people who’ve hurt us, we will learn to chin up and cheer up now because we are confident that He loves us no matter what. Most beautiful, because we will learn not only to forgive but also to look after the person as God’s child not as the BEFORE guy/gal, we will see the importance of caring and reaching each needs every now and then because we have learned that we also needed to grow spiritually with Jesus.

Stop longing for worldly romance instead long for Him. You will never regret what He did for you. You will fall in love with Him every day, moment, seconds of your life as you build your life completely around Him. Make Him your lifestyle, habit, hobby, and a FACEBOOK =) Seek Him as we always seek notifications in our FB every online.

I encourage you if you are in a relationship? Think twice, ask this questions: Am I handling my relationship according to God’s will? Are we pleasing Him? Am I building my life around Jesus? I’m not saying you have to break up, what I’m trying to say, is this the right time? Have you already enjoy your life with Jesus Christ? Were you able to concentrate in your relationship with Christ? If no were your answers, I am encouraging you to create an inner sanctuary in your relationship with Christ....

Thank you! sorry for the incorrect spellings and wrong grammars...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I guess it's been a month since I started my first part time job- teaching a korean kid. (Thanks to Ate Dhang, God used her to supplement all my needs during that time.) God has been faithful to me for 20 years. May it be material or not! Teaching is my passion, it's one of my childhood dreams. Unfortunately, I ended up choosing the career which is in demand- NURSING. But the good news is the field I've chosen can also impart knowledge by teaching. Kids who are incompetent or inadequate to be educated are the one I wanted to inculcate.

My first part time job, effortlessly a substitute teacher, I was so surprised and excited but nervous at the same time. I have lots of "WHAT IF's?" in my mind going such as: What if the mother doesn't approve? What if they discriminate my grammar? What if they reject me? Those were my nullifying interrogations. But when I enter the employers home, Ate Dhang's encouragements were all positive! The family was amiable and easy to please. Although, Vivian, a 14y/o is having a hard time in comprehension and memorization I still find the satisfaction or pleasure  in teaching.

Vivian, at first she looks blasé and tries to adapt my teaching style and she looks somnolent. After a while I was able to persuade her attention. Throughout the lecture, she likes CHIKA, she attempts to distract  me by asking personal stuffs in my life "Do you have siblings? You like this food too?" Although I was flattered that this kid is interested to get to know me, her compliments drew me in euphoria! HAHA

Teachers, professors, mentors, lecturer and other names who knows HOW to teach are the one I salute the most! They don't teach only for the sake of obligation or just to earn their monthly wages but there is beyond inexplicable pleasure when they teach- PASSION. They have the passion out of obligation to impart knowledge to the individual who are ALSO interested to gain knowledge!

When I was in elementary, my teachers back then influenced me to LIKE teaching. No one actually said that I SHOULD be a teacher, it was when all my classmates likes to be a teacher too, and so in some way, I emulated them. But unfortunately, dreams in childhood never last, all my classmates ended up in different fields too, some of them took: Engineering, architecture, Mass communication, NURSING, Information Technology and Computer Science. We all changes our minds, as time goes by the more survey or knowledge about the things that surrounded us the more we depart from where we were before. We grow up, we change. 

What I know today is that TEACHING is my PASSION and I believe God will not remove that from me. It's also one way of reaching out across the ocean to the people who needs direction! Since God has given me this gift, I will not waste it, I will continue impart and share what I believe I know and will continue to keep  my teaching style ALIVE! To God be the GLORY alone! =) <3

Saturday, December 11, 2010

through thick and thin

Even the very best friend isn't perfect. Every friendship has its share of ups and downs, disappointments and discouragements. But the true test of friendship is whether it endures the hard times as well as the happy times.

When you are truly best friends-when you have a friendship worth preserving-you learn how to voice your feelings with each other. You discuss how or when you've been hurt. You even cry together. Then you forgive, seal your friendship with a hug, and continue on good terms with each other.

That's how best friendships are maintained over the years. Each little offense is dealt with and forgiven (and forgotten). The focus remains on the strengths of the relationship-love, understanding, acceptance, and loyalty. When you take time to work through differences and misunderstandings, the friendship grows stronger and sweeter.

Melody Carlson


Thursday, December 9, 2010


Back then, we already tackled psyche, immune system, oxygenation, and maternity nursing (normal pregnancy and disorders). All the lecturers are very good! They excel in teaching, they see us students that we can do more than listening, they see us that we can become like them or better than them. One lesson is not yet lectured, the gastrointestinal tract (first semester). One time, my classmate, Ryan, told me "magaling yun, baka magustuhan mo din. haha." I replied, "talaga? Let's see..." So last weeks of September and October he was our last lecturer- Doctor Arni Magdamo. First time I saw him, my impression was like " ah okay..." something like that. But when he started introducing himself, I was like "EPISTAXIS, I need tissue!" HAHA. Because he was actually and literally lecturing us fluently in english!

He is an Atenean, a Master's degree in business administration and of course graduated in University of the Philippines as Doctor of Medicine. He was actually a professional not just by name but also in deeds. As he began his lecture I was observing him, actually he didn't tell us that he also studied in Ateneo De Manila University, and so I started wondering if he came from ateneo, since he kept on speaking in English so I have no doubt that he is an atenean, I have friend in Ateneo and I can tell what Doc is doing was also like my friend's... (English, intellectually and physically professional...)

Most of the time, people mistakenly pronounces my name as SHE-KI-NAH or Shek-Nah but this time when he called the officers (I'm the vice president in class) by surnames I guess he noticed my name peculiar or maybe he really likes to call his students by their first names, and so when he is about to say my first name I am expecting that he might mispronounce it. But to my surprise, he actually said my name with confident and blurt it out "SHE-KAY-NA". Anyway, it's my pleasure to get to know a person like him, approachable, deserve to be respected and of course deserve to admire! Although, names like mine are the one he calls for recitation, I got nervous that time. HAHA

He speaks in english fluently and explains the topic in a forwarded type of explanation which makes us students get wrinkles because most of us can't catch up. But its good thing though because I believe it will help us in the future. He explains the topic in detailed and I find it easy to comprehend the pathophysio of the diseases. I see the why's and what's of the concepts. I can see his passion of teaching not only because it is his job or he is oblige to do it but he wants us to learn to see life that we can enjoy it through our chosen profession.

He is one of the best lecturers I encountered, but he is my number one! GUT is one of my favorite systems in human anatomy, I remember back then when I was still a Trinitian (Trinity University of Asia, Quezon City) I got a highest score in RLE about the excretion system. HAHA. Doc Magdamo is a nephrologist and I don't know why he chose nephrology of all the system in human anatomy. He is our professor this semester and the lesson is about the renal disorders! Well, for now I am still trying to refocus myself on studying because it’s actually difficult to concentrate if the target is not clear. So in order for me to refocus myself I need to check what is my goal and where is my target. Doctor A. Magdamo has been influential to me, I've seen him not just a professor but also next to our adviser. Last semester, the first time I met him, he was giving us a lecture not only about the topic but also about life.

It has been 3 months though since he actually spoke to me personally, about the incident that happened to our section but it never happened again. I am so sad that this time when I am now the president of the section, he is not actually comfortable approaching me, I don't know maybe because I act agitatedly when I am not in front of him or maybe he sensed that I like him, HAHA. So weird, I am very observant. 

I don't care if my section is not his favorite or he doesn't see me as one of his best students, as long as he is doing his job and his passion of teaching continues I will keep motivated, adored, honored and pleased to be one of his student. Once part of your life will always be part of your life and he is one of the people who occupied the spaces in my heart. Amazingly, God has given me people I can look after too.

Doctor Arni Magdamo, has touched many lives, has healed many souls, has reached and taught interested student just to share his knowledge in medical field. He has been good, no, excellent in every task. Yes, he makes mistakes, but it doesn’t hinder him to do better next time.What I like about him is that in every aspect of his life, he tries not only to distinguish it but he is actually trying to scope every detail of his life just to LEARN.

Until next time, I will listen attentively and learn from you as long as you keep on teaching us! For now, WHAT words I can express are = THANK YOU! for being part of our lives! thank you for being an excellent lecturer! For imparting your knowledge! =) God bless

thank you! 

sorry for the incorrect grammars and misspelled words

 God bless you! I'm still going to polish this one...

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Yesterday, after lunch. I told my brother to leave a msg to my parents, I'm a bit annoyed. But in his reply, my smart and loving brother said, " Ate may plano nga si Lord... hindi ka talaga nakikinig sa service..." And I was like " Oooops, laugh out loud, Oo nga noh?" Then when I was alone inside the room, I contemplate the message last Sunday, our Pastor mentioned that " God plans in advance...". I was like, " Oh noo! I've been focusing on my problems first not behind it, not on HOW God handles my OWN problems, not on HOW God blessed me..." Then I realized that the reason why I kept on surviving, the reason why I am living is that God had already planned for this... God has really BETTER plans in my life... The reason why I am living because He is with me all the way... He kept on supporting, loving, carrying my burdens for 19 years!!! And at that contemplation, I was nearly teary eyes, and I shared to my brother what I just realized and thanked him for opening my eyes again... I realized that He brought someone into our lives in order for us to survive. :D It was amazing how I went back on that days when I was like so annoyed and piss off.. really, so much blessed! :D

And before we go to sleep, my brother and I prayed. And at my last minute, " God YOU are AMAZING!" was my last words.

Avid thirst for Living Water

Be blessed as you read this :) I read this from Regina Mabalatan's notes :) and this is amazing! I pray that everyone will long for Him like this Russian :)


An excerpt from Tortured for Christ: Chapter 1, The Russians' Avid Thirst for Christ: Russians- A People with such Thirsty Souls

"An Orthodox priest, a friend of mine, telephoned me and told me that a Russian officer had come to him to confess. My friend did not know Russian. However, knowing that I speak Russian, he had given him my address. The next day this man came to see me. He longed for God, but he had never seen a Bible. He had no religious education and never attended religious services (churches in Russia then were very scarce). He loved God without the slightest knowledge of Him.

I read to him the Sermon on the Mount and the parables of Jesus. After hearing them, he danced around the room in rapturous joy proclaiming, “What a wonderful beauty! How could I live without knowing this Christ!” It was the first time that I saw someone so joyful in Christ.

Then I made a mistake. I read to him the passion and crucifixion of Christ, without having prepared him for this. He had not expected it and, when he heard how Christ was beaten, how He was crucified and that in the end He died, he fell into an armchair and began to weep bitterly. He had believed in a Savior and now his Savior was dead. I looked at him and was ashamed. I had called myself a Christian, a pastor, and a teacher of others, but I had never shared the sufferings of Christ as this Russian officer now shared them. Looking at him, it was like seeing Mary Magdalene weeping at the foot of the cross, faithfully weeping when Jesus was a corpse in the tomb.

Then I read to him the story of the resurrection and watched his expression change. He had not known that his Savior arose from the tomb. When he heard this wonderful news, he beat his knees and swore—using very dirty, but very “holy” profan ity. This was his crude manner of speech. Again he rejoiced, shouting for joy, “He is alive! He is alive!” He danced around the room once more, overwhelmed with happiness!

I said to him, “Let us pray!” He did not know how to pray. He did not know our “holy” phrases. He fell on his knees together with me and his words of prayer were: “Oh God, what a fine chap you are! If I were You and You were me, I would never have forgiven You of Your sins. But You are really a very nice chap! I love You with all of my heart.

I think that all the angels in heaven stopped what they were doing to listen to this sublime prayer from a Russian officer. The man had been won for Christ!"

- Pastor Richard Wurmbrand (


Paulo Coelho tweet this :) and I find it so inspiring :) hehe... DISCIPLIINE :) OBEDIENT :) enjoy reading

a story sent by Nitin Mukundan K.P

A man was sleeping at night in his cabin when suddenly his room filled with light. An angel appeared, showed a large rock in front of his cabin and asked him to push against the rock with all his might.
This the man did, day after day. For many years he toiled from sun up to sun down, his shoulders set squarely against the cold, massive surface of the unmoving rock.
Nothing happened. And he decided to make it a matter of prayer.“Lord I have labored long and hard in your service, putting all my strength to do that which you have asked. Yet, after all this time, I have not even been able to budge that rock. What is wrong? Why am I failing?”
The angel appeared again :“My friend, I told you that your task was to push against the rock with all your strength. Never once did I mention to you that I expected you to move it. And now you come to me with your strength spent, thinking that you have failed. But, is that really so?”
“Look at yourself. Your arms are strong and muscled, your back sinewy and brown, your hands are callused from constant pressure, and your legs have become massive and hard.“Through opposition you have grown much and your abilities now surpass that which you used to have.“You learned the importance of discipline and training,
” This you have done. Now it is my turn, my task.”
And the angel moved the rock, showing to the man a beautiful path ahead.

you can forward this :)

I found the right words . . .

I found the right words  to this person, I've been with him for not so long but I feel like I know him my whole life
He may not be the person or the GIFT that I've been waiting in my prayer. But he is the one teaching me to
improve my personality, God used him to know that I need someone like him, to be comforted to know where my
decisions should end up. And now as part of my life, his now a blessing not just a confusion and an illusion, he will always
be one of my best man for the rest of my life. I will not be ashamed, i will not deny the truth that he is such a good guy - even though
I have tough times with him- it opened my eyes that our limitations stops there. He taught me not to record some wrong doings,
he taught me to increase my intelligence not only academically but also extracurricular.

You are such a good friend and I will not take risk for our friendship. . . =)

 “A man that hath friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” (Prov. 18:24)



Blog, one way to express your feelings toward a stimuli. I don't know but for me it is one of the most convenient tool to express your own feelings especially we want to keep it a secret. I love to write my day in my diary, but I get tired so easily.

One of the reason I started to create my own account here is that I love to type instead of writing although I know I'm consuming electricity still it's worth it! hehe. The second reason is that I find it reasonable that every event of my life should be written and treasure it in order someday that I will be able to browse it whenever I am lonely. The third reason is I AM INSPIRED to reach out to people and I wanted to share my life. But I admit that I am not best in writing in English.

So I would like to welcome you here in my sanctuary. HAHA. No kidding aside, I hope you enjoy, cry, laugh and learn from my experiences. I am a newbie here and I believe its ok to be corrected in every mistake I will make. So bare with my grammar and thought of my topics. Thank You! Kam-sah-ham-ida


                           Have you ever heard the phrase "Never been touched.."? Are you one of the NEVER BEEN TOUCHED-nun-like-old-fashion? Have you ever had a thing that has never appreciated? Never noticed? Never given recognition? Or have someone gave you a gift for an instance but you never DARE to open it for some reason? Well, I guess some of us or most of us had this kind of experience, but allow me to share what I realized today relevant to my title. =)

                           As a student nurse, it's usual for us to browse a medical books because it is part of so called ROUTINE. I usually read books relevant to my chosen career or oftentimes I browse Joyce Black's Medical Surgical ONLYwhen there's a quiz. I am a kind of person who is lazy-nerdy-look-like student in the department. But I honestly I LOVE BOOKS! I love to collect books and I even dreamed to build my OWN MINI LIBRARY in my OWN HOUSE (spare room) someday.

                         Now let's move on, I came to school early for my minor subject which unfortunately, a reliable source informed us that the professor will be absent due to fever. Since my next subject starts at 5pm with my VERY BEST LECTURER, I stayed in library instead. As I enter the library, I left my bag and took all my valuable things like wallet, cellphone, and the Authentic Beauty by Lesli Ludy which I borrowed from Regina (Thanks Rej!) I saved a desk for me and looked around the library to borrow book, guess what did I borrow? Of course the Medical Surgical of Black's Vol. I and the Youth Bible. AHA! That's unusual for YOU, but not for ME! I did not have my devotion today so since the library is one of the perfect atmospheres to have my contemplation, I grabbed the opportunity.After reading a chapter or two of Authentic Beauty, next to it is the bible. First chapter that showed amazing facts is Isaiah 6: an angel touched the lips of Isaiah with a burning coal, then Ps. 34 just moved in me, GOD IS SO WONDERFUL! Check it out! Read it!

                       After that I was disturbed by the fact that Medical Surgical is so obsolete while the bible published by how many decades looks fine and brand new. No dust, not even a hint of fingerprints or even a scratch is evident. It looks like NEVER  BEEN TOUCHED! This is not actually rare, this always happens all the time. Although not even a short strand of dust is present, I can say that this compilation of wonderful and powerful events have been missed by NO-CARE-AT-ALL students. It was never appreciated, never recognized, never tried to scan it for ONCE? I felt sorry, disappointed and gloomy about this. Although in some point of reasonable excuses I know most of  the students are "BUSY" of mind-your-own-business. I believe that we have a  lot of time to even at least scan that inexplicable guidance book.

                      Now I'd like to clarify this part that since I'm not always inside the library, I am aware of might interrogation portion such as "Oh, your not always inside the library how are you sure that it has never been touch?" or may be "The book is University's property and not anyone's may be the reason of its cleanliness or unscratched is that they are very careful not to ruin its beautiful features!" Grant that is true, but I will stand on my title. But if that is what you're thinking how come that the library form is empty? and my name is on it? Me only. Therefore I conclude that my title could be valid.

                     This kind of scenario doesn't happen only inside the school or library even in our own home. The bible is ignored, passed by, covered by dust, displayed in shelves and sometimes used to kill a cockroach (how cruel!). Would you like to check it now? If your bible is used? Most of us, Christians, look after God when we needed or wanted something. We often go to Him if we only have a problem, sometimes we blame Him why things happen this way, but when everything is all right, every petition has been answered, we were blessed or given beyond our petition we tend to forget WHO gave it to us. We tend to unrecognised or acknowledged Him for what He did for us.

                      What I am trying to say here is that it is impossible that within 24 hours we don't get the chance to at least for a minute browse or read a simple verse. Why don't try instead of texting a lover or admirer, read the Bible or instead of watching KOREAN NOVELA (HAHA! that's me) meditate His word. We always have spare time, it's impossible to have full schedule that within the day we won't be able to look after our Guide and most lovingly Father.God made the time not only for our own will activities but also He wanted that time despite of busyness we were still able to remember who made this possible. But why do we need this? Because we might be so deaf or dumb that we are turning against Him, we don't hear Him say "My child, I love you, you are never alone... Trust me!" but we ignore Him because of our BUSYness that we come to the point that we do not recognize our REAL purpose. Let's not be so stupid because every seconds count, there's always a consequence in every decision that we make. If THE WORD has been ignore, we might also ignoring His best plan for us or what He want us to do. If we are so blind to see His will for us, we are risking our lives to miss every milliseconds of answered prayers and blessings for us.

                      Never underestimate Jesus, never cease trying to reach the end of His clothes even in a crowded place because surely He knows that we are willing to submit our lives to Him. Never allow the opportunities to pass by. Never allow the brain keep us away from reading the BEST book in the world. Never allow THE WORD not used or read. Never allow our lives not to be touched by Jesus Christ's loving tenderness. Don't miss this thrilling part: Jesus was crucified for OUR sins that He doesn't deserve but because of our heavenly Father's boundless and unconditional love for us, He gave us His ONLY Son and in return we received the reward free which is the ETERNAL LIFE that we longed for.Don't allow your life never been touched by His boundless love through His word or His amazing children. . . 

                     Turn and look back how many blessings you received from where you started your life? Recall and as you remember each of them, smile and say this words "Thank You Lord, I believe You made this possible... Thank You, lesson learned... Thank You Lord for all the fulfilment of Your promises! I love You more than anything... I give my life to You... Teach me and guide me to keep my eyes on You and make Your word my vitamins every morning and evening! Thank You, to God be the glory... In Jesus' name, AMEN"

Thank you for reading, sorry for misspelled words and incorrect grammar! =) Still, to God be the glory ALONE!