14 And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, 15and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so.16 God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. 17 God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, 18 to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:14-18
Once a girl who was patiently waiting for a shooting star to come as she gazes upon the night sky. It was night after night, the girl would always look outside the window before she go to sleep, hoping that she could have the chance to see before she close her eyes.
As years goes by, when she reached almost 6-8 years old, while talking on the phone with a friend, as the sun descent below the horizon, she noticed a quick spreading-flame like from the sky. She gasped and hurriedly said her wishes and prayers silently. She was in unexpected reverence and totally forgot she was on the phone. It was a complete relief, finally, she saw what she’s been waiting for. The girl’s dream came true.
As she grows up, the flashbacks of that memory is slowly fading. She can’t remember the exact day but she can vaguely tell what exactly she saw back then. When she becomes teenager, her admiration to the night sky did not stop. The more she stares at the stars and moon, the more satisfaction she gets. Even without a shooting star will make her happy as long as she sees the stars and moon.
Despite of all the busyness, she didn’t stop doing what she likes to do. She continuously observed the position, shape and arrangements of the moon and stars respectively. She even called one of the brightest stars in the sky as her star, because she thought that maybe that is for her, winking and staring, as it twinkles at her. In her college years, as she walks towards their house, she would always look up first and with a pause, creating smile on her face and sigh quickly with these words, “WOW, thank You God!”.
Throughout her life, it’s one of her most favourite time contemplating the day. She liked to witness the incredible settings of the stars, planets and moon. It helped her persistently walk hand in hand with God. Although the sad reality says, that stars and moon is not every night visible, the inconceivable part here is, that even it doesn’t show up especially winter or rainy season, the evident of the light coming from the radiant beams of the moon enlightens a heart knowing that even in a dark place, there is a less light to guide us on our journey. Lesser light it may be, but it gives guidance from the Lord.
This girl never loses hope on what she believes in. She incessantly adore God’s extraordinary creativeness on Earth. The girl even appreciated the “lesser” light in darkness knowing He made it possible for her to survive the day.
As long as I live, stars and moon will always be one of the best remedies for my stressful days. I will always be grateful for God’s hands in His creation as His light radiantly serve as a tool and a remedy to a crushed spirit. As long as there are stars and moon or even little light in the sky it will always remind me of God’s faithfulness to me throughout the days of my life.
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