For the past three consecutive days, God has been reminding me how faithful He was, is and will. He keeps on reminding me how I should be thankful because for the past years in my life, yes it was difficult, but it doesn't have to be miserable. Book of Joshua has been a revelation, the words and promises of God tagged my heart. It's fathomable that truly there is God! Obviously, the reason of sunrise, sunset, stars is because of His unfailing love, fulfilled promises and wonders of His creation.
I cannot explain how it has begun, but God has been using people in my life to draw me closer to Him. (Inspired as always.. HAHA) I may find my reasons unreasonable and invalid, there are still people that enlightens me to do what He called me to do! Right now, what I can tell you is that, His mighty works will shine in the lives of His people! This seven days prayer and fasting is a tremendous movement of God, positive and confident that God will make miracles and do amazing things in our lives. I am just so excited and expectant of God's plans in each and every one.
For the past years, I've been blinded and deafened God's beautiful calling. It was never clear and audible because of lack of determination and desperation to hear after His purpose. And so, right now, I can't explain how He surprisingly reveal some things to me that I haven't asked for. His words are my strength and courage to fully make Him known all the days of my life.
Not only in my personal life will He move, but also in my household and friends (relatives, family). As my faith grow and grow I can see God's extraordinary and marvellous exploit in their lives.
Not only my household will He make fantastic effort, but also in my studies, excellence for His glory will shine upon me. As I continue to strive harder and aim higher, He will definitely respond whatever I ask in Jesus' name.
Not only to my household and studies will He move, but also the things I needed to personally keep for myself known, He will surely give it to me! Come on! I will rejoice always whenever God will give it to me.You are my rock and glory, my lifter of my head.
It's not just about the things I asked for but also my personal relationship with my Prince. I am growing and blooming day after day as I spend more time with Him. Consecration is a big help. Reducing the time for FB, Twitter and Yahoo messenger is difficult but since what is more important to me is to dwell in His word and patiently listen to His voice. Deeper relationship with my Prince will help me see what and who I am for Him.
Love is a big word and what made me embrace it and give it all is to know that I was never alone and will never be, that I am loved first and preciously adored by Divine Authority. I mean isn't it amazing that the Superior of all things, the King of kings, Lord of lords, the Alpha and Omega can be your very best friend? Even a father, mentor, teacher or adviser cannot do what He did for us... I am just overflowed knowledgeable for His unfailing, endless, enduring love.
For me, the One who gave His life for me, deserves to be loved too. He deserves more than enough, He deserves all the praise, honor and glory... He deserves my Life to and it will only be Yours...
I am thankful that I had the chance to fall in love with the Lord my God, my Best Friend, my Father and my Prince all over again....
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