Thursday, July 14, 2011

Not on anybody or anything

Most of the people nowadays are alive when they talk about LOVE! Yes, LOVE! Even me, personally and honestly, I wiggle whenever I hear a LOVE story...But just a thought and should be an application in our daily living. :)

You don't need a guy just to get closer to God. You need YOURSELF to realize that with or without SOMEBODY, YOUR HEART and YOUR WHOLE BEING should be FOR God alone. And not on somebody or anybody. You need to see yourself in your life that kind of relationship you've been longing, that ETERNAL Relationship that no one can equal to. He's been knocking on your door, yet you are not willing to open. How can you have that relationship if you don't want to welcome the Loving Father of all time?!

We are unique in all our ways whether we like it or not. May kanya kanya tayong kagandahan at kasamaan! Emphasize on KASAMAAN(bad side) since we are still HUMAN yet we should not allow it to dominant our lives. Since we have said the words " Jesus is my Lord and Savior" let's not take it so lightly. Don't take it like a whisper in the wind that fades. Be a steward of His creation. Be a good example Titus 2:7. Life is too short, in fact,  where were you for the last couple of years? where were you 20years ago? Where were you if you didn't allow Him to enter your life!?! You wouldn't be there if He is not present in your life.

All the insecurities, doubts, jealousy, pride, hatred, arrogance, immorality, and all the WHAT IF's are all tactics of the opponent. Because he already knows that he is defeated, he gets insecure and tries to destroy the image and reputation of our minds. It all starts on one look then there's second then there's a verbal "Ang cute niya... sana..." blah blah blah... :D We allow the defeated to cripple those kinds of thoughts in our minds and becomes a stronghold. Yet in Romans8:31-34 it is said we are more than conquerors and who can be against us?! HOLD on to it! Have firm foundation! do not allow this things to mingle in our minds. SAY NO immediately!Titus 2:12

Remember that we should get all the security and affirmation from the Best Lover of all time :) JESUS!
We should not be afraid of our past, present and future because you believe in yourself that YOUR life is in GOOD HANDS of the Almighty God. Jer.29:11 and Heb.13:5

He should be the water of the thirsty souls like us.
He should be the sun of the dried plants like us.
He should be the oxygen, whenever you are having difficulty of breathing, you will always remember you need Him to ease the pain.
He should be the wheels of your car, a reminder that He is in control of your life.
He should be the electricty, a reminder that God brings life in our boring life.
He should be the BULLS EYE (main goal) in your life, a reminder that HE should be the aim for the rest of your life.
He should be the note or chord of your song, a reminder even out of tune He will always be in tune for us.
He should be the bandage of our wounds, a reminder that He covers up all our problems.

He should be our EVERYTHING, because He gave His everything to us for our salvation :) 

Our 24/7 should be His' and not ours.. Our time, our availability really matters to God. If we can manage to invest our time on anything or with somebody, we should also invest most of the time to the Most High.
Neither on anybody nor anything but with God alone will I get my affirmation, security and assurance of a perfect relationship! :)

I can say that I am secured and not in rush. :)

Seek Him first Matt. 6:33 
He is my Vine and I am His branch

:D senxa na sa wrong grammars :) hihi

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