Wednesday, December 29, 2010

waiting upon You Lord

I came from a Christian family, but it doesn't mean you are already save. You still have to say and confess that Jesus is your Lord and Savior and obey all His commands. Was it easy? NO! Never easy, never difficult too. It's not easy to be a child of God, where every eyes are on you, has lot of HIGHER expectations, and not difficult because Jesus will always carry you from all the hardships.

persecutions, criticisms, and troubles are always on your sides. But Jesus is always on superior, inferior, lateral, medial, ventral, dorsal, superficial, or in short always by your side.

I know Jesus is in me, but there's still a cry in my heart, where I still neglect to obey and follow Him. Lack of determination and discipline is really a struggle. Although inspiring testimonies and encouragements from my spiritual family has given me strength to really focus on God, a deeper personal relationship with Christ is what I really want. I want Him more in my life and I long for Him, or maybe this is just a CONFUCIUS striking me at the wrong time... But I believe I am strong because I have His word...

Maybe I am just really confuse because I've been asking God's specific calling for me. I don't know. I am still asking God's guidance and a whisper of His audible sweet loving voice.

I am waiting upon You, Lord... 

“Wait for the LORD, be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.”
Psalm 27:14

Just want to say one more to the Lord: .Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?" And I said, "Here I am, Lord. Send me."Isaiah 6:8

 I am willing Lord, send me..


  1. Dearest Shek,

    I am with you in your joy and in your sadness! Truly, people expect higher things from us. Even our own close friends expect higher. But know this, that it is our honor to uphold and live according to what God has planned for our lives even if it's the hardest thing to do!

    Keep in mind that the hardest things in this life, the things that caused us tears in our prayers are the sweetest moments you have with God.

  2. thank you regina! you are sweet! <3
